Seizing the Telecom Cloud Opportunity
New Course!
Introduction to the Cloud
Cloud Service Models
Cloud Native
Strategies for migrating to the cloud
The Telecom Operators role in the Cloud eco-system
Virtual Classroom Training
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The enterprise selling landscape has changed dramatically in the past few years. Driven by changing the telecommunications industry is going through a period of profound transition. Having been disrupted by digital-native companies from across the media and internet, the telecom services they have traditionally offered like voice, data, and messaging and the revenues they have generated, are under threat. They must transform their operations and business models to keep up with ever-changing customer expectations.
Traditionally most telecom providers rely on large computing infrastructure running a diverse set of applications to deliver, manage, and bill services. The sheer complexity and size of this “in house” IT operation prevents Telco agility and reduces their competitive edge. Migrating to the cloud can reduce the dependence on internal computing resource requirements and release the excess for use by paying customers. Doing so reduces internal costs and increases revenue streams — a win-win situation for a telecom cloud provider.
In the not-too-distant past, cloud computing primarily served as a catalyst for technological change, leaving its potential for driving business innovation virtually untapped. Yet cloud has the power to fundamentally shift competitive landscapes by providing a new platform for creating and delivering business value. In this three day course we will introduce the student to all aspects of cloud. The course explains the potential of cloud as a business enabler within the context of current telecommunications industry trends, migration strategies, where the Telco fits into the cloud eco-system and look at the telecom cloud marketplace.
Note: Each session is followed by student activity time. At the end of the course the students will present their Business Model Canvas on the Telecom Cloud Opportunity back to the course trainer and the other course delegates.
Note: This course is not delivered with the FoldOut methodology.
Course Outline
Introduction to the Cloud
- Cloud Computing Defined
- Everything as a Service
- Traditional IT Infrastructure and Services
- What is new about the Cloud
- NIST Cloud Computing Reference Model
- Deployment Models: Public, Private, Community, Hybrid
- Activity – Building your Telecom Cloud Opportunity Canvas
Cloud Service Models
- The Overall Service Model
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- XaaS Pros and Cons
- Activity – Building your Telecom Cloud Opportunity Canvas
Cloud Native
- Introduction to Cloud Native
- Cloud native v. Cloud enabled
- The Evolution of Virtualization and Cloud Native Apps
- Containers and Microservices
- DevOps
- Agile software development methodology.
- Network Cloud Infrastructure and NFV
- Hosted CPE functions
- D-Ran v, C-Ran v. V-Ran v O-Ran
- Activity – Building your Telecom Cloud Opportunity Canvas
Strategies for migrating to the cloud
- Business Case Drivers
- Enthusiasm for Migration
- Migration Steps
- Identifying applications for migration
- Trust Boundaries
- Certification and Compliance
- Legal Considerations
- Risks and Mitigation
- Security
- Activity – Building your Telecom Cloud Opportunity Canvas
The Telecom Operators role in the Cloud eco-system
- Cloud Opportunities for the Telco
- The Telco network cloud offering (reliability, QoS)
- A look at the implications of Cloud Neutrality
- Cloud based BSS/OSS
- Cloud service enablers
- Key drivers for Telcos involvement in the Cloud
- Key asset identification (Trust and the Network)
- Economies of scale
- What are the challenges of cloud computing
- Security considerations
- Perceived customer concerns and benefits
- Network and IT staff merge
- Exercise – Critically Analyze Your Company (or a company of your choice) as a Cloud Service Provider
- Activity – Building your Telecom Cloud Opportunity Canvas
Proof of Learning presentations: Refine Lean Model Canvas for post course implementation
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